The Trusted Advisor: Recent Articles

10 Ways CPAs Can Gain More Local Exposure
As a CPA, you often spend your days buried in tax forms and computer programs. It’s the work that best suits you, but it isn’t often conducive to networking and building your clientele. Assuming you have already joined the local chamber of…
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CPAs: The Retirement Horizon is Changing for Your Clients
As your clients enjoy longer, healthier lives, they can also anticipate a longer retirement. People are still retiring around the same age that they always have, but most retirees today can expect to live twenty or even thirty years after they stop…
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4 Surprising Ways Life Insurance Can Serve Your Clients
Your clients probably think of life insurance as a safety net for their income. If the primary breadwinner dies, life insurance can replace the wages they would have earned, therefore protecting the family. As a CPA, you might not be too concerned…
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